In everyday life, we often encounter many cases of using Zem units. So what is Zem? 1 Zem is equal to how many mm? Join us to find out right through the following article!
Zem is the unit used to calculate the thickness of the sheet, the thicker the sheet, the more sustainable the quality of the sheet. However, thick corrugated iron will increase the weight and make the project heavier, and if using thick sheet, you should increase the bearing structure below.
That is why when buying corrugated iron you need to be calculated and careful to choose which type of corrugated iron is suitable for your project.
Zem is a foreign concept to many people outside the construction industry, so a common question when preparing to buy corrugated iron is 1 see how many millimeters.
1 zem is 0.1mm and 10 zem will equal 1mm. The converted value of zem to mm is as follows:
- 1 zem = 0.1mm
- 2 zem = 0.2mm
- 3 zem = 0.3 mm
- 4 zem = 0.4 mm
- 5 zem = 0.5 mm
- 10 zem = 1 mm
Ton is a durable material, longevity from 10-20 years, high aesthetics, convenience and low installation cost, so roofing iron is more and more people use. Since then, the demand for using corrugated iron increased strongly and in order to meet this increasing demand, many corrugated iron factories as well as shops to meet the corrugated iron were established.
As a standard, the thickness of the corrugated iron usually has a tolerance of +/- 0.02mm, but now many people sell the sheet with a much larger tolerance. For example, when you buy corrugated iron with a thickness of 0.35 mm, but when re-measuring, the actual measurement is only 0.028mm and even thinner.
So how to recognize the store is cheating on the thickness of the sheet. Below will share with you 3 ways to identify the correct thickness of the sheet or not.
Observe the thickness rating
The trick used by shops selling iron to cheat sheet thickness is to erase the thickness parameters printed on the sheet.
For example, the real code of corrugated iron plate is TKPMXXXXxxxx0,40mm which means the sheet thickness is 0.40mm, however the shops can erase it and turn it into TKPMXXXXxxxx0,45mm, which means the thickness of corrugated iron is 0.45mm. If you do not discover this trick, you will have to pay more expensive.
So when you find that there are signs of erasing on the sheet or the thickness of the corrugated iron, you should not buy that sheet.
Balance sheet
To limit fraud on the thickness of the corrugated iron, you can buy corrugated iron or ask the shop owner to balance it. The thicker the sheet, the heavier the weight will be and vice versa. Hence the thickness rigged corrugated iron will usually be much lighter than the standard sheet.
For example: 1,200mm color cold corrugated iron with 0.4mm thickness after plating, the weight is 3.3-3.5 kg, but with non-standard "tonal" types, it will be at least lighter. 0.4-0.5 kg.
Thickness measurement with ruler or machine
Currently there are many tools to help you measure the thickness and size of the product most accurately, such as a caliper or a hand gauge.
In order to measure the thickness of the corrugated iron most accurately, when using a hand gauge you need to place it perpendicular to the corrugated iron. Since the thread thickness tolerance is 0.02mm, the measurement will be inaccurate if you set it sideways.
Note that when you go to the store to buy corrugated iron, they can show you the standard, but when delivering the corrugated iron, you should check the corrugated iron again when receiving the goods.
Above is the information to help you better understand Zem as well as experience in choosing the simplest corrugated iron. You can pocket it to apply immediately to the selection of religious for your family!