CNC machine is one of the series of machines that are widely applied in the mechanical industry today. They can overcome the disadvantages of old metal cutting machines. In addition, the CNC machine offers high precision and aesthetics of cutting lines. So what is CNC cutting? The following article will bring you the most complete information about this CNC machine.
1. What is CNC Cutting Machine? Working principle of CNC machines
What is CNC cutting machine? CNC with full name Computer numerical control. A series of machines that operate automatically under the help of a computer. Users will pre-program the machine to work in a sequence of actions to deliver products of the required shape and size. CNC cutting machines always aim to the best in terms of both labor and operating costs. So what principle does the CNC cutting machine work?
What is CNC cutting machine? Working principle of modern CNC cutting machines
For a person not working in the mechanical industry to understand in detail how CNC works is not easy. However, the operation of CNC cutting machine can be described as simply as follows:
The structure of the CNC cutting machine consists of a spindle, the shaft head attached to a high-speed drill and a fixed product holder. When activated, the spindle with a drill moves the Z axis. The product fixing jig moves in two X and Y axes in combination with the spindle so that the cutting drill approaches the product surface to be machined. .
2. CNC machines are available on the market
CNC machines on the market today are quite diverse. There are two main groups we can classify including by control system or by ability to work.
Classify CNC machines according to the control system
Under the current control system they are divided into three main groups. Work in points, lines and lines.
The CNC cutting machine works on the point control system
Point control system (usually drilling, welding, beating, ...): CNC machines will increment on a predetermined point in the driver, the point here we can understand according to the definition of the math learn.
Control system of the straight segment: On the working machine the straight line should be defined in advance, then the CNC machine will process in a straight line on the product.
Road control system (usually 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, ...): Just like the two lines above, these will be predefined.
Classify CNC machines according to their ability to work
Classified by the ability to work, we have popular machines such as CNC lathes, milling machines, grinding machines, ...
CNC cutting machine with high precision up to thousands of mm
CNC lathes are used for the purpose of machining rotating products. Most of these models are equipped by mass production workshops to reduce costs and increase product accuracy.
The CNC milling machine cuts all materials through a milling cutter. High precision, many blades wear long and help optimize production costs.
CNC grinding machine series works quite flexibly, can process with products with a variety of surfaces.
CNC cutting machines use CNC technology and several other methods to cut pre-programmed materials.
3. Advantages and disadvantages of CNC cutting machines
Today's CNC machines have improved the disadvantages of old metal cutting machines. They give us the details of quality, cosmetic products. And above all, the ability to optimize costs as well as labor in the operation.
Using CNC cutting machine brings products with high precision and aesthetics
Machining with high precision.
It is possible to process almost all materials with large cutting speeds.
Shorten machining time, help operators save energy.
Fast adjustment and change times, helping the operator ensure efficiency, timing and quality.
Advanced machines with less damage, low maintenance costs.
Applied to mass production scales with high efficiency.
Modern CNC cutting machines have a fairly high cost.
The cost of repairing the machine each time is high.
Requires the operator to be skilled, well-trained.
CNC cutting machines are widely applied in mechanical workshops. Investors will rely on the needs and advantages and disadvantages of the CNC cutting machine line to choose the right machine to bring the best efficiency in production.
What is CNC cutting machine? Above is all the basic knowledge we have provided to you about CNC cutting machines that are commonly used in the market. Hope the information in the article will be useful to readers.