
In the field of printing and office work every day, we will be exposed to many different types of paper. Depending on the application, there will be appropriate dimensions. Now let's find out about paper sizes!

1. Why is it necessary to find out paper sizes?

Currently on the market there are many different types of paper sizes. Understanding and understanding paper sizes will bring about the following benefits.
Help users choose the right paper size for the job to be performed; especially office work with a variety of papers involved.
Make sure that the contents need to be shown on the correct, sufficient and beautiful paper; Meet all formality standards.
The information if printed on papers of the right size will bring about higher aesthetics.
Choosing the right paper size will save the person doing the printing operation.
Demonstrates the professionalism of people using paper-sized products.

2. Types of paper sizes

Paper sizes A

The dimensions of the paper sizes A, as determined by ISO 216, are given in the table below the diagram in both millimeters and inches (the cm measurement can be obtained by dividing the mm value by 10). The A-size chart below left shows a visual representation of how the sizes relate to each other - for example, A5 is half A4 and A2 is half A1.
The size of A0 paper size is 841 x 1189 mm.
The dimensions of the A1 paper size are 594 x 841 mm.
The dimensions of the A2 paper size are 420 x 594 mm.
The dimensions of the A3 size paper are 297 x 420 mm.
The dimensions of the A4 paper size are 210 x 297 mm.
The dimensions of the A5 paper size are 148 x 210 mm.
The dimensions of the A6 paper size are 105 × 148 mm.
The dimensions of the A7 paper size are 74 × 105 mm.
The size of the paper size A8 is 52 × 74 mm.
The size of the A9 paper size is 37 × 52 mm.
The dimensions of the A10 paper size are 26 × 37 mm.
The dimensions of the A11 paper size are 18 × 26 mm.
The dimensions of the A12 paper size are 13 × 18 mm.
The dimensions of the A13 paper size are 9 × 13 mm.

Paper sizes B

The sizes of B paper sizes are deduced by multiplying the average by multiplying successive sizes of series A. And are similar to those of A. Paper sizes of type B are also divided into many different sizes. And are regulated from B0 - B12.
The dimensions of the paper size B0 are 1000 × 1414 mm.
The size of B1 paper size is 707 × 1000 mm.
The size of the B2 size paper is 500 × 707 mm.
The size of the B3 paper size is 353 × 500 mm.
The dimensions of the B4 paper size are 250 × 353 mm.
The dimensions of the B5 paper size are 176 × 250 mm.
The dimensions of the B7 paper size are 88 × 125 mm.
The dimensions of the B8 paper size are 62 × 88 mm.
The dimensions of the B9 paper size are 44 × 62 mm.
The dimensions of the B10 paper size are 31 × 44 mm.
The size of the B11 paper size is 22 × 31 mm.
The size of paper size B12 is 15 × 22 mm.

Paper sizes C

The same goes for paper sizes A and B. The paper sizes C are generally less commonly used in printing. But this is also one of the standard types of paper sizes.
The size of the paper size C0 is 917 × 1297 mm.
The size of the paper size C1 is 648 × 917 mm.
The dimensions of the C2 paper size are 458 × 648 mm.
The size of the paper size C3 is 324 × 458 mm.
The dimensions of the C4 paper size are 229 × 324 mm.
The size of C5 paper size is 162 × 229 mm.
The dimensions of the C6 paper size are 114 × 162 mm.
The dimensions of the C7 paper size are 81 × 114 mm.
The dimensions of the C8 paper size are 57 × 81 mm.
In addition to the paper sizes A, B, C as we mentioned above. But in the world there are two more types of paper sizes that are the D and E paper sizes. But currently in Vietnam we do not have to use these two types of paper sizes. So in this article I will not mention 2 sizes of D and E paper sizes.

3. Why are there different sizes of paper sizes?

Size of paper used in printing used to print on printers and copiers all use the same standard paper, which is paper sizes: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 ... Here are some of the most common paper sizes.
So why do we have to use such a normative size? Then the answer is, each device needs to comply with its own standards for the most common use. The same is true of paper sizes, we need to follow the standard sizes to be able to use them most commonly.
The paper size according to the international standard EN ISO 216 is derived from the DIN 476. German Standards Institute (Deutsche Institut für Normung - DIN) launched in 1922. In parallel with this standard there are other systems such as in the United States. United or Canada.
Above are the shares of paper sizes that we want to share with you. Depending on the purpose of use, we choose the paper size that suits us best.

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